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Re: adultery

Jonathan (mostly),

Thanks for your comments. Yes, I do know of Linux-on-Laptops, but of
course ease of installation of Linux isn't everything -- there's also
reliability and [literal!] coolth. What you say about IBMs agrees with
what I've heard about them from other people -- but these others have
mostly been talking about the single IBM that they had bought, and of
course people are notoriously reluctant to badmouth their own purchases.

A B5 machine would be fine, if the keyboard was big enough. I think I'd
have to read the specs or measure them, because I know that very
slightly smaller keyboards can seem completely normal in the store, and
only reveal their crampedness later when one sees the number of typos.

If I were in the You-Ess I might well get one of these: . 
("Heafty" indeed!) I'm not, but I could still wander around Otto.

Tentatively typed on a Toshiba by
Peter Evans |

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