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- Subject: Korean font problem
- From: Bart Decrem <>
- Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2001 10:49:59 +0900
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Hi everyone, I have just moved to Seoul and am trying to configure my Linux box for Korean input support. I only speak a little bit of Korean, so I can't really make sense of Korean web sites of mailing lists, so I was very happy to find this list :) Anyway, I'm running Red Hat 7.1 and Ximian Gnome 1.4. I have added a bunch of fonts etc from WowLinux, which is a Korean Red Hat clone that was recommended to me. My problem is that when I switch to Korean (using the Ximian Gnome login screen, or any other method), then none of the fonts show up properly. Instead, I see gibberish with English characters. When I try to run Hanterm (a Korean text editor), I get: "can't load hangul font *-kodig-medium-r-normal--14-140-*-*-*-140-ksc5601.1987-0" (Note that I'm able to view Korean web sites and read Korean email just fine using both Netscape 4.7 and Mozilla 0.9.2, and I now have a boatload of Korean fonts installed). So I think my problem is that I have a missing or bad font or something like that. I've spend days and days trying to solve this problem and have tanked my system several times in the process. Questions: -How do I find out which font Gnome is trying to use when it launches in Korean / which font is used for the Korean locale setting? - How do I find out whether I have that font properly installed? - How do I either install the mysterious hangul font (I can't find an RPM for it, so presumably the packages goes by some different name), or make the locale settings use some other font that I have installed properly (and how do I decide which one to use)? Thanks for your help! Bart
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