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RE: round 2

Michael Engel asks three questions

a) what Fujitsu laptop are you using ? Biblo NU????

An FM/V-5133 NU6/W. I think I have all the info I need to install X on
it.  (Whether I have the gray matter is another question.)  I just need
a few spare hours. (And maybe a few more. And a few more.)

Incidentally, this is a 1987 laptop with 32MB of RAM and a HDD of 1.3GB
or so. No, I can't make any hardware changes to it. (No really, I can't.)
Why am I bothering with this machine, which obviously will never be able
to run GIMP and/or other good stuff?  Because (i) I have it on long-term
loan and it's otherwise superfluous, (ii) it's a solid machine (too big
and heavy, but reliable), (iii) I thought that it would be easier to
install Linux on an older and better known laptop than a newer one, (iv)

> b) why don't you try - just for fun - another distribution
> with another installer ?

Ha bloody ha -- or with "fun" like that, why do I need work?  No, um, I
see what you mean and I know it was intended helpfully, but while I had
a hunch that the machine and RH 6.2 didn't like each other, I guess that
(i) I'm close to success, and (ii) another installation would bring its
own problems. 

> c)  >>It's what a laptop maker would call a jp106: 106 keys+
> Just for my understanding, are these real keys or emulated ones 
> - as my keybord has only 92 including THAT ONE ?

Emulated ones. But while I'm mildly irritated to find that what says
"CapsLock" is CapsLock rather than Ctrl, I'm sure I can fix this and I
don't think that the keyboard is a problem (yet).

Peter Evans <>

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