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OT: Re: Jonathan, what is a bag of Modul

Jean-Christian Imbeault ( wrote:

> Ok, I have to ask. Dear Jonathan what is a bag of Modul? And what does it do 
> in a router?

I've been waiting for someone to get curious enough to ask about
that :-)

That sentence was cut verbatim from an outage announcement 
regarding imminent unscheduled maintenance of a router.
I'll leave the name of the large, foreign, instantly
recognizable telco/network operator who made that announcement
out of this to save them public embarassment (nobody I work

About 30 minutes later it was followed by a (rather embarrassed)
announcement stating the problem correctly and asking that the first
announcement be disregarded because it contained "errors."

With those clues, does anyone want to take a guess at what they
really meant the problem was? :-)

> A search on google brings up nothing but german pages as modul is german for 
> module (I'm guessing).

OK, you're on the right track here, but German has nothing
do do with it :-)

There is Bag of Modul in the router

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