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RE: Off-Topic Rant on ./, KDE, et al. (was: Re: CD-ROM drive)

good point.  Even if you're one of the anti-American English types, and like
putting extraneous "U"s in words that shouldn't have one (color, armor,
etc...), remember that Queen Elizabeth II herself was one of the first users
of e-mail, back in 1976, when computers were still crawling out of the
primoridal soup onto dry land... :)

But from a non-grammatical standpoint, I also agree - Slashdot is a forum
primarily for A) communist anti-corporate activists that have technical
knowledge (ie, RMS) whose sole basic mantra is "linux good, microsoft bad,
and Og not so sure about Sun..." and B) dumbass morons of pretty much any
political persuasion.

It's the delightful mix of leftist militantism one one hand and the absolute
"I can't find my own ass with both hands" mentality on the other hand, that
keeps the casual read-only trolls coming back for more on a daily basis
(myself included, I must admit).

Scott M. Stone <>
Senior Technical Consultant - UNIX and Networking
Taos, the Sysadmin Company - Santa Clara, CA

-----Original Message-----
From: Josh Glover []
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2001 4:39 AM
Subject: Off-Topic Rant on ./, KDE, et al. (was: Re: CD-ROM drive)

Quoting Peter Evans <>:

> I thought slashdot had more than enough "discussion
> about" whether *anything* sucks. 

My big problem with Slashdot is that a lot more people post 
than there are good comments. Half the comments about 
anything are 1-5 line flames or inside (to whom, I do not 
know) jokes, and often the comments are so poorly 
punctuated that they are painful to read! I operate under 
this old-fashioned assumption that if you are an 
intelligent person communicating in your own native 
language, you take the time to remember to hit Shift every 
once in a while and populate your sentences with enough 
periods and commas and the like so that they at least 
resemble intelligent discourse. I will even go so far to 
say (risking flames, which will of course be 2>&1 
>/dev/null) that if you lack the skill in a non-native 
language (such as English for a good number of ./ posters) 
to make your point clear, you should just not post it. This 
is why I do not comment on particle physics in Japanese 
classes. I limit myself to such poignant statements as "Kyo 
ha desu ne, ii tenki!" and "Kono yakisoba ha hijou ni 

Sorry. That was not only pointless, but it was stupid.

> Moreover, though a complete ignoramus (and Win2K-using
> cretin), I thought you needed KDE to run Konqueror,
> and that Konqueror was a Good Thing. Tell me I'm wrong 
> about that too.

I will not confirm or deny that you are "a complete 
ignoramus (and Win2K-using cretin)," but I will tell you 
that you do not have to run KDE to use konqueror. All you 
need is qt, kdebase, and kdelibs. There might be one more 
chunk of kde that you need, but I do not remember. You do 
not, however, have to let the unholy KDE (I just like Gnome 
because of the licenses) touch my ever-so-carefully managed 
windows. Or whatever it is that you call Gnome. I guess it 
is not really a window manager. (Though KDE is? I think?) 
Anyway, I will shutup about this now.

As for whether konqueror is A Good Thing(TM), I cannot tell 
you, though it does tend to:

1) Render faster than Bloatzilla (I meant Mozilla, was that 
out loud?
2) Crash and burn more often than Stabilla (I use 0.8.1, 
they seem to have the line "segfault++;" somewhere in the 
0.9.0 code)

As I am a pretty frustrated computer geek right now, I 
found the below link (to a Windows Media or Real stream) a 
winner. It is a five minute-ish "music video" 
entitled "Every OS Sucks." My review? True, true.

"No segfault, no problem."

Josh Glover

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