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XOM (was Re: XIM, kinput2 & Tk)

Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:

> We're really pretty close to it in the X11 model, since XFontSets,
> XIMs, and XOMs (don't ask unless you're Egyptian) all bind the locale
> at creation time.  They screwed the pooch on LC_CTYPE

Who shouldn't ask about XOMs?  A couple of hundred years ago in Engish, most
"s" characters looked sort of like "f", but an "s" at the end of a word or
one of the "s" characters in an "ss" pair (forgot whether it was the first
or second) looked like a modern "s".  OK, so modern copies of old documents
don't have to use old fonts.  Greek and Hebrew have some examples like that
too, and I'm not sure if the Cyrillic alphabet has one too.

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