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Anti-Reds at Red Hat?

  Hi all,
  Haven't posted for a long time.  Read the list less than I should,
but I'm always glad to see that most of the old 'perps' are still

  Switched from Slackware to RedHat about two years ago now.  Still haven't
quite recovered my balance.  Some things about RedHat still don't make
sense, but I've been _very_ impressed with the increasinly
sophisticated Installer and the generally pretty good performance of
the distribution.  

  But something has begun to bother me about RedHat lately. I hope
I'm completely wrong about this, but am I the only one who has noticed
that, for example, among the impressive number of languages that RH7.1
now supports, the number one language in the world, Mandarin Chinese, 
is conspicuously absent (although the minor "retro" dialect used on the
island of Taiwan is supported).

  I didn't think too much about that, actually, but I just happened to
be looking for a more up-to-date version of the Chinese-HOWTO yesterday
morning, and thought I might as well just get it from the very useful
Documents CDROM that came with the RedHat 7.0J Basic set. But it's
missing from what otherwise appears to be a pretty complete set of
HOWTO documents.    

  I hope I'm missing something here and this isn't what I imagine.
Maybe there's a special PRC version of RedHat?  But if this is just
more anti-Chinese Yankee crap, RedHat will disappear from my HDDs
before you can say, "Dongfang Hong!"  

  Just curious, Dennis
Dennis McMurchy, 
Sointula, B.C. / Tojinmachi, Fukuoka
Canada           Japan

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