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ok this is NOT good

... this is more along the lines of "I'm venting" than any kind of call for
suggestions, as there pretty much isn't any good way to proceed here...

I boot up my laptop.  it dual boots 98SE/Redhat 7.  At work I like(d) to use
Linux, so I select that.  it boots.  FS errors OUT THE YANG, so I reboot
into single user, e2fsck -y the partition, it finishes, I reboot... nothing
can find shared libraries... hmm. so I take a look, "ls -l /usr/lib" ..
responds: /usr/lib:  not a directory.

very bad.  looks like the whole system is basically trash now.  I guess I'll
have to bring it up single user, start pcmcia and ftp off my relevant files,
and reinstall... and probably replace the HD since there's no reason other
than a bad HD for this to have happened.

Scott M. Stone <>
Senior Technical Consultant/UNIX+Network Administrator
Taos - The SysAdmin Company - Santa Clara, CA

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