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Problem with dislaying Japanese in X

I grabbed the gjiten 0.8 RPM and installed it. When I ran
it, I noticed that X was not displaying Japanese properly.
Mozilla is still handling things fine, but it has its own
rendering engine for Japanese, I think, so that would not

After doing an:

export LANG="ja_JP"

and running gedit to see if anything was displaying
properly, the menus and stuff, which should be in Japanese,
were unreadable garbage. Can anyone tell me what is up?
Japanese was working fine... it still works in emacs,
though, again, that may be unrelated.

It looks like this is a GTK+ problem to me...

I use Gnome and Sawmill on a RedHat 7.0 (English) box. Here
are the RPMs that I use:


I cannot figure this bastard out. Can anyone help?

"No segfault, no problem."

Josh Glover

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