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ADSL: successfull setup


I switched recently to an ADSL connection, and wanted to let you know that it
was SO easy.
I use eaccess (with GOL). the procedure was very quick, after applying I
received the router quickly. I was expecting to wait a few weeks before NTT
could say ok, but no, it was ready!

The router is set through a web browser, and I was very pleased to see that it
comes in english as well as japanese (you can switch between). Very good. On
the LAN side, you can decide to use DHCP or not. There is no need for any
PPPOE driver, the adslmodem is seen as a classic router. Setup of the modem
took me 5 minutes!

On performances side : seems very good, so far. I've just downloaded a big
file from an ftp site (in Japan) :150KBps peak, 130KBps average.


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