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March Meeting

            T L U G - Tokyo Linux Users Group

Meeting information

   Date:  March 10 (Saturday)
   Time:  13:30 - 16:30
   Place: LinuxProbe Hall
          2-14-15 Akasaka, Plaza Mikado
          Minato-ku, Tokyo
          (map at

LinuxProbe ( is an organization working
to independently test and certify hardware and software for Linux,
providing unbiased information to serve the Linux community.


This months topic will be presented by -- Jim Breen -- Visiting
Professor, at the Institute for the Study of Languages and Cultures
of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Japan.

As Jim says.....

In the talk I intend to cover three aspects of what I have been doing
with electronic dictionaries and dictionary files over the last few

- how the file(s) are structured, and why

- how they are indexed and searched. The good bits and the

- some of the implementation issues, as the files and techniques
have been used on various platforms, both as stand-alone systems
and servers.

If anyone is left awake, I'll mention where I'm going with the XML
formatted files, and some plans for expanding the WWW server, and
finally doing a cross-platform standalone version.

All Linux users and supporters of open source code and free software
are invited to attend this Tokyo Linux Users Group (TLUG) meeting.
Membership is open to anyone.  There are no membership dues or
entrance fees.

After the meeting, we will drink a few cold beers at:
    Tengu New Akasaka
    Minato-ku Akasaka 3-15-13
    Fujibayashi Bldg. B1
    tel 03-3584-9745

About TLUG
TLUG is a non-profit, non-political organization established in June
of 1994 to exchange information on the use of Linux and Free Software
Foundation tools.  TLUG has an active mailing list, home page, and
regular physical meetings.  Discussions are primarily held in English,
but non-English speakers are encouraged to come and participate.
We especially want to encourage Japanese people to attend and will make
efforts to support a bilingual meeting.

TLUG hosts technical meetings every odd month on the 2nd Saturday, and
nomikai's every even month on the 3rd Friday.

The TLUG home page is available at

If you are coming to the meeting, join the mailing list by sending
e-mail to including

   subscribe tlug

in the body of the message.  You can get a feeling for what the group is
like by looking at the mail on the mailing list.

For any instructions or info before the meeting:
     Jack Morgan................... 090-3523-2098 (Cell)
     Alberto Tomita ............... 070-5644-3680 (PHS)

We look forward to seeing you there!

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