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Re: International support

On Thu, Feb 22, 2001 at 10:37:39AM -0800, Soma Interesting wrote:
> I've chosen Postgres. Is there anything MySQL does that Postgres doesn't in 
> terms of language support that I should be aware of? I've read some success 
> stories about Japanese sites being done with php (i18n version) and mysql - 
> but I prefer postgres' procedure and relational capabilities.

We create our pgsql database with MULE_INTERNAL. This is quite flexible
and allows us to have postgres convert to the various different encodings
for us. For example, when we enter stuff, we usually enter EUC, but to
display on imode we need Shift-JIS. PostgreSQL handles this nicely. Currently
unicode support is not really there yet. You can store stuff in unicode,
but the conversion to various other encoding isn't ready yet. That said,
I see in CVS that they've added shift-JIS to unicode conversion routines
in 7.1. This is still in development though.

Thomas O'Dowd                   Noop-de-Noop!        

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