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Re: resolution for external monitor

>>>>> "Viktor" == Viktor Pavlenko <> writes:

    Viktor> I have 2 'Monitor' section there:

    Viktor> Section "Monitor"
    Viktor>     Identifier  "HPUX Monitor"
    Viktor>     VendorName  "HP"
    Viktor>     ModelName   "P910"
    Viktor>     HorizSync   29-107
    Viktor>     VertRefresh 50-150
    Viktor> [default video modes omitted]
    Viktor> EndSection

Looks OK to me.

    Viktor> Do I have to have another Screen section for the external
    Viktor> monitor?  When I'm adding one for SVGA driver, the first
    Viktor> section gets ignored...

You definitely have to have a Screen section specifying that monitor.
You may need to start X with some options to specify it; I haven't
ever gotten that "up close and personal" with XF86Config, though.

Have you tried running XF86Setup and brethren with the external
monitor connected?

    Viktor> Thank you for the reply. Looks like I have to play with
    Viktor> this stuff a bit more. Or read FM? Can you suggest a good
    Viktor> one?

Play, yes, FM, seems like there's only the source for this kind of

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