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Re: ethner card problem

>>>>> "Ulrike" == Ulrike Schmidt <> writes:

    Ulrike> So if I go with the recommendation of the README I would
    Ulrike> make the directories /tmp/linux and /tmp/modules and
    Ulrike> unpack the sources into these directories. Right?

From what you write later, it sounds like this is incorrect.  Here is
the structure I use:

/usr/src -+- kernel-source-$VERSION -+- Documentation ...
          |                          +- drivers ...
	  |			     +- (etc)
          +- linux -> kernel-source-$VERSION
          +- modules -+- pcmcia-cs-$VERSION

I've never had a problem with this, since /usr/include/linux/include
is no longer a symlink to /usr/src/linux/include.  I usually have
multiple versions of kernel-source lying around; just setting the
symlink usuall make everything work fine.

    Ulrike> Getting the pcmcia-cs sources left me with three files and
    Ulrike> one directory. I unpacked pcmcia-cs_3.1.8.orig.tar.gz

This is very old, I think; PCMCIA-CS is up to about 3.1.20 by now.
Get it from the Debian unstable.  There's no reason not to, Debian
makes very few changes to PCMCIA-CS except to add the stuff in
debian/, so the Debian unstable part is pretty irrelevant.

    Ulrike> Do I really have to? I tried the whole day ... learning a
    Ulrike> lot, but ...

Once you learn it, you'll be able to do it in the future.  It's very
useful, because many PCMCIA bugs disappear once you compile the PCMCIA
modules against your own kernel configuration.

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