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Re: new webpage:

> On Wed, Sep 06, 2000 at 09:11:07AM +0900, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
> > GPL it, and if it's any good at all, others will use your code and
> > give improvements back to you.  (This is a script or applet, therefore
> > it's being distributed, therefore it _must_ be accompanied by
> > redistributable source---GPL _is_ effective in _this_ ASP
> > application.)
> Incidentally, I'd be very interested in taking this application and trying
> to make it work client-side. Doing it server side seems remarkably
> inefficient.

I'd be very interested in using this application in a website for learning
Japanese as part of my thesis in educational psychology (not engeneering!!!).
For this I would need the vocabulary list feature.

At the moment I am trying to get to run
(, thought this
could be used in a similar way, enhanced with some javascript producing code or
similar (is this a naive assumption? Not having the script seen running ...) .


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