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Re: How to use Japanese True Type fonts?

>>>>> "Mike" == Mike Fabian <> writes:

    Mike> I also tried the MSGOTHIC.TTC and MSMINCHO.TTC fonts which
    Mike> come with Windows 98-J, but didn't succeed either (could get
    Mike> only the first 256 characters to display).

I think had bad luck with .ttc fonts.  I don't remember what the issue
was, though.  It may have been with Ghostscript or VFlib, not X.  It
was a while ago.

    Mike> I think xfstt is completely unrelated to X-TT and XFree86 as
    Mike> well, so probably nothing will get merged into xfstt.

I see.  I thought xfstt was the TT support that was merged into XF86.

    >> Does the 4.0 version still have --encoding?

    Mike> It seems that there is no option like '-encoding' in the
    Mike> X-server of XFree86-4.0 (there wasn't such an option in
    Mike> XFree86-3.x either).

This would only be in the TT font server, sorry about the confusion.

    >> export jisx0208.1983 if it still does.  What is the
    >> UNSTRAPLIMIT (compile-time variable) for 4.0?

    Mike> UNSTRAPLIMIT (compile-time variable of xfstt) is 10500U.

Oops.  CJK Symbols start at U+3000, ie, 12288U.  Everything else is
above that....

    Mike> To test this I must first find a ttf Unicode font containing
    Mike> Japanese ... 

The watanabe font should do.  AFAIK all ttf fonts are Unicode, it's
the font server that converts from Unicode CIDs to JIS code, etc.

    >> I occasionally use [the Watranabe fonts] in Type 1 format,
    >> which works fine (but they're kinda klunky at < 30pt; I prefer
    >> the bitmap fonts).

    Mike> Are they more klunky as Type 1 fonts than they would be as
    Mike> True Type fonts? Does the result after rendering differ?

I don't know, I haven't seen them as Type 1.  I would guess that
anti-aliasing helps, but I think that has to be done by the X server;
the font server can't help with that.

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