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RE: How to use Japanese True Type fonts?

>>>>> "Jonathan" == Jonathan Shore <> writes:

    Jonathan> This is a far from ideal treatment but might suit your
    Jonathan> purposes.

I doubt it -- check out his domain.  :-)

    Jonathan> Does the truetype rendering capability of the X server
    Jonathan> use anti-aliasing?  This is the one area visually where
    Jonathan> rasterizing would fall short.

XFree86 4.0 early prereleases did not.  I am almost sure that 4.0 does
not, therefore.  X-TT does, but X-TT failed to merge with XFree86 so
will always be well behind the curve.  Which do you want more, the
latest X code or antialiasing?  I'm sure XFree86 will remedy this in
the not too distant future, but there is a lot going on in fonts at
the moment.

[ excessive inclusion deleted :-P ]

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