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Re: ICQ on http proxy

Simon Valiquette (lists.tlug):
>  Yes, I already thinked about that, but I did'nt because security
>issues.  I'm working in the Fujixerox Corporate Research Center, so we
>really mind about security (email and JavaScript included).  If we had
>the right to use that kind of tricks, there would be no reasons for us
>to use a very restrictive firewall.  And they will never allow the port
>used by ICQ to be open (and I fully agree with that), because the
>Windows ICQ version have just too many security flaws.

I forgot to add the magic bit: there's a reason I said port 443 of a
remote machine. Set up an sshd running on a remote port 443, and try

telnet yourproxy 8888
CONNECT externalbox:443

You should see:

200 Connection established


How to combine this evilness with a portforwarding proxy is left as
an exercise to the reader.

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		-- Don Vonada

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