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tlug: Problems with

>>>>> "David" == David Eduardo gomez Noguera <> writes:

    David> im trying to upgrade my system, but anytime i upgrade glib,
    David> my locales get broken, and can use japanese anymore, except
    David> for a kterm and netscape.

    David> any suggestion would be greatly appreciated, thank you.

Wait until Gtk gets its act together.  Also glibc.  Expect lots of
backward incompatible changes in I18N from the various libraries over
the next year or so.  (They don't necessarily need to be backward
incompatible, but the past behavior of those projects suggests they
likely will be.)

If you really need the bleeding edge version of Gtk for some app, then
probably your best bet is to static link the working glib into gjiten
and other I18n-ized apps you use.

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