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tlug: Procmail setup


  Wasting a lovely Kyushu Sunday afternoon, trying to get 'procmail'
(v3.13.1) working.  I've looked at a couple of tutorials.  The one from
Linux Gazette seemed pretty good.  It suggests a one-line ~/.forward
file (claimed to be from the procmail manpage) like this: 

	"|IFS=' '&&exec /usr/bin/procmail -f-||exit 75 #denismcm"

  This generates the following error when I try to email denismcm
from root:
   ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
"|IFS=' '&&exec /usr/bin/procmail -f-||exit 75 #denismcm"
    (expanded from: denismcm)

   ----- Transcript of session follows -----
sh: cannot use & in command
554 "|IFS=' '&&exec /usr/bin/procmail -f-||exit 75 #denismcm"... Service unavail

  So, I took a look at the actual procmail manpage on my system, and
found a simpler recommended ~/.forward file.  This produces a different

   ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
"|exec /usr/bin/procmail"
    (expanded from: denismcm)
   ----- Transcript of session follows -----
sh: exec not available for sendmail programs
554 "|exec /usr/bin/procmail"... Service unavailable

  I've tried glancing through the sendmail manpage to see if there's
anything about using exec from sendmail, but found nought.

  I'm using a very simple ~/.procmailrc for this initial testing:


  This should be easy enough to get working.  What do I need to do?

Dennis McMurchy, 
Sointula, B.C. / Tojinmachi, Fukuoka
Canada           Japan

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