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Re: tlug: posting (was fish)

On Mon, 15 May 2000, Jack Morgan wrote:

> Being on the lower end of the Linux skills scale, i would like to offer a
> thought to this topic.
>     ST> "Able to think" --> "wanting to learn (as opposed to `just fixing'
>     ST> whatever is currently keeping you from getting something done)".
> I think this is a good point, but at times I'm not sure when to post my
> problem and when to just try to figure it out myself. Any suggestions?
>     CS> Yes, that too ... but I was trying to imply that if one posts
>     CS> a plea for help that strongly resembles the parody that
>     CS> Simon posted last Friday, then one should expect a certain
>     CS> amount of harrassment ;)
> As for myself, it is REALLY discouraging to get slammed by someone for
> something you posted. Isn't there another way to teach someone that what
> their doing isn't appropreate? If for example i get a negative sarcastic
> commenty to a dumb question, I'll think your not a nice person instead of
> what i did wasn't correct!

... and very frequently that assumption would be correct.  I'm frequently
not nice.  Especially when I"m freezing my ass off in a data center since
I don't have a computer in my cubicle yet.  sigh.  At least I get to use
an ultra 5...

Scott M. Stone, CCNA <>
UNIX Systems and Network Engineer
Taos - The SysAdmin Company 

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