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tlug: Glibc 2.1.3 out

Since y'all seem to enjoy this sort of news, a new version of glibc is
out. (I have no idea if any of the I18N stuff has changed BTW, just
passing the news on).

As a word from the wise (or very foolish since I'm speaking from
experience) if you have a evil distribution that depends on a package
manager (Especially RPM) I don't recomend installing this since it's one
sure way to screw up your database. (I suppose you could use the
install_root option to put it somewhere safe though.)  Then again knowing
the Debian folks they'll have .debs in the "woody" *snicker*  tree by that
time nodoubt.

Me personally I'm planning on building it tomorow and roll over my much
hacked GFL 0.5a snapshot ;-P


Austin K. Kurahone
Tokyo Linux Users Group / Green Frog Linux Maintainer
"What is the ape to man?  A laughing-stock, a thing of shame.  And just the
same shall man be to the Superman:  a laughing-stock, a thing of shame."

Ps: Compatibility with 2.1.2 is maintained supposedly though.

Next Technical Meeting: March 11 (Sat) 13:00 Temple University Japan
* Topic: "What's new in Perl 5.6"
Guest speaker: Simon Cozens (TLUG Perl guru)
Next Nomikai Meeting:   April 21 (Fri) 19:00 Tengu TokyoEkiMae
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