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RE: tlug: Regarding information of sympodium in Japanese Society.

  Well, first, it seems to be better a little bits that I need to apologize
to all for my needless mention, making booming cool down.
In japanese, "MIZU WO SASU". But, at same time, I would like to
mention a several matters. (IIWAKE.)

1) I took that matter was still regarding "tech meeting", so I
    intended to mention that with including some ambiguity as
    modesty in Japanese  style....,actually, because Tanaka-San,
    who offered, is a Japanese, maybe.
    (Hard to say in my poor English !)

2) Unfortunetely, I don't have any association with the IPSJ
    conference, and symposium program formally,except the fact
    that  I am a member of IPSJ.  Actually, I intended to mention
    that just as the voluntary information for TLUG.

  However, surely, it seems to be an good oppotunity and
valuable to have even "unoffical meeting as extended symposium"
among sevral user's groups, especaily, TLUG, YLUG so on.

  I have particated this mailing list since last July, however,
the oppotunites exchanging information and partnerships
with other LUG seems to be few unfortunetely, even with YLUG.

  Surely, by having contact each other, there are some possibility
that the new hamonizing or "business chance for several persons"
are generated.

  Despite of my unclear schedule (In short, it is not clear whether
I can take a paid holiday or not absolutely.)
How about the extended meeting with other Lugs ?
( Or if you can wait by around July, how about it ?  Personally, it
  is better and really helpful to hold it in July, me too. )

And, Tanaka-San can you still help us ?

  In the case of rapid meeting, since we will hold the tech meeting,
therefore, it seems to be better on another viewpoints, If possible.
I would like to focus on the one or two themes, concerned with

1) "Relationship between communities and companies"
 - From viewpoint of independent LUGs, or free developping
   projects, by free discussion style.

2) "Virtual communities, new bussiness model" are they myth
   or real ? (If possible) "
 - According to P.F.Drucker, we are just on the edge to new
   global age, I think this new communities like Linux, Open-Source
   Project, has some possibility to become the certain model for the
   new style of future communities over nations and cultures and
   new net business.
     Every day, we are facing so many daily issues, however,
   by stopping our steps once, and reflecting our attitudes,
   there seems to be some hiden hints for above. By the free
   discussion, we will go to the tour and seek that hints.

  Whereas, in the other case, it seems to be better to
re-consider the themes. However, maybe it will remain around

  Regardless of the date, I think, most valuable matters is
harmonaizing between Lugs including this TLUG, featured
"International color".  So, even if failed to hold this time due to
some reasons, until July, I would like to try it again.

  Steve-San, can you be satisfied ?

 After recieving reaction, I would like to send message to YLUG,
so on, if I need.


  P.S. The English expression seems to be a little bits straight,
          for me,  ^^;)

>>>>> "Shinji" == Shinji Kikuchi <> writes:
    Shinji> Surely it's still in Tokyo, however, according to my
    Shinji> information, the nearest station is TAKAO on Chuo-Line,

Make it after July so I can use my travel fund to pay for the hotel I
will surely need.... ;-)

    Shinji>   As my impression, surely the offering is very helpful
    Shinji> and thankful, however, I am also anxious about
    Shinji> disappointment by long distance from center of Tokyo.

I think that if you make some effort to get a good program, people
will come and not be disappointed.  Maybe you have to do a little more
than just set up a room for a lecture, as Temple U. does (we've
thought about having a tech meeting at Tsukuba-dai, and we know we'd
have to set up for dinner reservation in advance, maybe some hotel for
speakers if they want, etc).  If you have a Linux cluster, or some
other large setup, many people would be interested in a "ken-gaku" I

Also you can get local people to come who wouldn't want to go to Tokyo
for a meeting they don't know, but once they enjoy it they might be
very active.

So don't give up on the idea.

Next Technical Meeting: March 11 (Sat) 13:00 Temple University Japan
* Topic: "What's new in Perl 5.6"
Guest speaker: Simon Cozens (TLUG Perl guru)
Next Nomikai Meeting:   April 21 (Fri) 19:00 Tengu TokyoEkiMae
more info:        Sponsor: Global Online Japan

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