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RE: tlug: security, ministry crackers

>>>>> "FB" == Frank Bennett <> writes:

    >> One would imagine that the problem is widespread, not limited
    >> to the ministeries...

    FB> From here at Nago-U, at least, the Internet has been pretty
    FB> flakey over the past few days.

Tsukuba-dai too.  I think the SINET gateway just outside of
Tsukuba-dai was hosed, traceroute showed packets going to ric-tsukuba
but not leaving there.  Same time as you, lasted about 2 hours AFAIK.

    FB> Strangely, some in-country sites (Kinokuniya) were still
    FB> visible, so it wasn't just our gateway that went down.

No, I suspect it was the next box (or maybe the whole lot of them down
the line on that particular backbone).  Interestingly, that last box
to respond to a ping was called "fuyou-fddi".  I know what FDDI is,
but maybe the forename is romaji for 不用.  :-/ is currently fscking or something, they're not responding
to pings though.  Presumably not related....

    FB> This makes me wonder whether sites that have a country ending
    FB> like "jp" are necessarily located physically inside the
    FB> relevant country.  Anyone know particulars or sources of info
    FB> on this one?  Seems like it could be important to business,
    FB> and significant in litigation.

That depends on the country's policy, of course, but you simply can't
enforce it.  Remember, JPNIC "owns", so they can probably force
KDD's to live in Japan, but they can't stop KDD from
doing something like routing to
Santa Clara if they want to.

University of Tsukuba                Tennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN
Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences       Tel/fax: +81 (298) 53-5091
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