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Re: [Lingo] spaces in japanese writing

Josh Glover wrote:
> On 30/06/07, steven smith <> wrote:
>> So -- is there a rule/convention for this??  When should you
>> use spaces when writing Japanese?
> 日本語で書くとき、基本的にスペースを入れないようにしてくだ纔瘢韭絎竢蹠\xC2

Pietro said:
> In my job all the mails I receive are in Japanese and I 
> had never see any spaces until now. It's really hard at
> the beginning specially when you deal with technical 
> content mails that mix for example logs output, code 
> and more symbols.
>       -Pietro 

That's what I thought and I was really surprised to hear my
tutor say they use spaces.  She's a young woman (25 I think
but who can tell, has two really cute young kids) and quite
well educated.  And she was quite emphatic.

Could this be something that is in flux at the moment?  I
expect not or both of you would have mentioned it.

Thank you
Steve S.

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