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Re: tlug: Good news about TLUG CD

I would like a copy of the CD
Thanks Jack Morgan

At 15:48 99/11/11 +0900, you wrote:
>I suppose the general membership would probably be interested to hear?
> >>>>> "Uva" == Uva Coder <> writes:
>Due to a change in my work schedule and having the day off, I have
>been able to work on the TLUG CD for this month`s meeting.
>What is on the CD:
>Crypto-gram archive,
>GnuPG software,
>GreenFrog Linux 0.4a,
>Austin Kurahone`s homepage, (If this is alright with you Austin.)
>Linux Kernel 2.3.25,
>OpenBSD 2.5,
>ReiserFS patch,
>Tomsrtbt software with add-on modules.
>How many copies should I burn?
>Waiting to burn,
>Uva  <>
>University of Tsukuba                Tennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN
>Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences       Tel/fax: +81 (298) 53-5091
>What are those two straight lines for?  "Free software rules."
>Next Technical Meeting: November 13 (Sat), 13:30 place: Temple Univ.
>* Network Security                               speaker: Steve Baur
>Next Nomikai: December 17 (Fri), 19:00 Tengu TokyoEkiMae 03-3275-3691
>more info:        Sponsor: Global Online Japan

Next Technical Meeting: November 13 (Sat), 13:30 place: Temple Univ.
* Network Security                               speaker: Steve Baur
Next Nomikai: December 17 (Fri), 19:00 Tengu TokyoEkiMae 03-3275-3691
more info:        Sponsor: Global Online Japan

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