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tlug: [ANNOUNCEMENT] 11/13 TLUG Technical Meeting

T L U G - Tokyo Linux Users Group                 

Meeting information:

   Date: November 13 (Saturday)

   Time: 13:00

   Place: Temple University Japan
          2-8-12 Minami Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo
          (map at

   Talk: "Network security, cryptography and privacy"
                                       by Steve Baur

All Linux users and supporters of open source code and free software
are invited to attend this Tokyo Linux Users Group (TLUG) meeting.
Membership is open to anyone. There are no membership dues or entrance
fees (we will accept donations to help cover the room usage costs). 

The guest speaker for this meeting will be Steve Baur, current lead
maintainer of XEmacs -- XEmacs is a branch of GNU Emacs with better
support for multimedia than the original. XEmacs led the way in releasing
a version of GNU Emacs with integrated MULE (multilingual support) early 
in Steve's maintainership.  He is also a former Keeper of the XEmacs FAQ
and the Gnus FAQ. However, this time he will not be talking about
XEmacs (well, may be he will ;) but instead he will enlighten us 
with his knowledge of network security and cryptography.

Steve is currently a research associate of the Electro-Technical
Laboratory ("Densoken", MITI/STA) in Tsukuba Science City.  He
has administered an ISP in California, and has been a consultant
to Altrasoft (now  Besides XEmacs, he has strong
interests in network security and system administration, and
advocates the principle that "Open Source builds strong systems
seven ways."

About TLUG
TLUG is a non-profit, non-political organization established in June
of 1994 to exchange information on the use of Linux and Free Software
Foundation tools.  TLUG has an active mailing list, home page, and
regular physical meetings.  Discussions are primarily held in English,
but non-English speakers are encouraged to come and participate.
We especially want to encourage Japanese people to attend and will make
efforts to support a bilingual meeting.

TLUG hosts technical meetings every other month on the 2nd Saturday, and
nomikai's on the 3rd Friday of months in between. 

The TLUG home page is available at

Meeting Place
(map at

The Temple University Japan (TUJ) Campus is located at 'San no Hashi'
(the street name is 'Sakurada Dori'). The DHC building across the street
has a HUGE four sided sign that says DHC. The 06 bus from Shibuya stops
at Furukawa-bashi, which is a one block walk away from TUJ. TUJ is in a
single big building with a sign out front, right on Sakurada Dori.

Cab drivers will take you right there if you ask for San no Hashi. It is a
15 minute walk from Tamachi, but while it is pretty straight forward, it
needs a map, as there are a couple of jogs in the route.

The 96 bus also stops there, and I think the 92 bus as well. It is a 20
minute walk from Hiro (Just go to Tengen-ji Bashi intersection and head
toward Azabu Ju-ban on Meijidori), or a minimum price cab ride from either
Hiro or Tamachi

Once in the university building, look for the signs indicating the room
number where the TLUG meeting will take place.

If you are coming to the meeting, join the mailing list by sending e-mail
to including
  subscribe tlug
in the body of the message.  You can get a feeling for what the group is
like by looking at the mail on the mailing list.

For any instructions or info before the meeting:
    Jonathan Byrne ............... 070-5517-9250 (PHS)

We look forward to seeing you there!

T L U G - Tokyo Linux Users Group                 

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   Jonathan Byrne......070-5517-9250 (PHS)

Next Technical Meeting: November 13 (Sat), 13:30 place: Temple Univ.
* Network Security                               speaker: Steve Baur
Next Nomikai: December 17 (Fri), 19:00 Tengu TokyoEkiMae 03-3275-3691
more info:        Sponsor: Global Online Japan

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