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tlug: We'll get Jesse Berst yet :-)

Linux is coming closer and closer to winning over Jesse Berst, once the
veritable king of the Linux naysayer/NT booster crowd :-)  Check this
big ZDNet Anchor Desk article:

They even have a download link (in the related article by John DeKeles)
where you can get a Win 95 app that will read the Linux file system
under Windows 95.  Now *that* could be really handy for those of you
stuck with dual-booting.

Jonathan Byrne                                   Engineering Division
Global Online Japan                    
Tel:  +81 03-5334-1700   Fax: +81-03-5334-1701   Direct: +81-03-5334-1756

Next Technical Meeting: February 13 (Sat), 12:30 place: Temple Univ.
** presentation: XEmacs, by Steven Baur and Martin Buchholz
Next Nomikai: March 19 (Fri), 19:30   Tengu TokyoEkiMae 03-3275-3691
more info:                     Sponsor: PHT

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