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tlug: kernel problem

I feel rather stupid about this.  I have tried everything that I know, but
I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong.

1) I reconfig'd a new kernel with modules using "make menuconfig" and the
2.0.34-0.6 (what is -0.6?) which came with the RH5.1 cd's.  Then I 'make
modules', 'make modules_install', 'make dep', 'make clean', 'make bzlilo'.

But, when I boot the kernel says "can't find ....modules.dep", so I
suppose that all of my modules don't load.  Yet, I selected PLIP as a
module and in the boot-up output it seems to load just fine...

2) Also, I tried to "make menuconfig" a 2.0.35 kernel which I d/l'd off of
PHT (not blaming them) from their sunsite mirror, but it said that it
couldn't find 'curses.h'.  How is it that the 2.0.34 kernel menuconfig
could, but 2.0.35 couldn't find this?

3) Also, since I haven't been able to get the RH sound configuration
program to recognize my sound card at all, I suppose that it probably
because I am loading it as a module and my modules aren't loading...right?


Ps.  Rex and Karl-Max and everyone else, thanks for the help on my qmail

Eric S. Standlee
Kashihara City, Nara Prefecture, Japan <default>

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