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Re: tlug: [Q] Japanese newsreader usage

From: Frank Bennett <>
Subject: Re: tlug: [Q] Japanese newsreader usage
Date: Wed, 13 May 1998 23:15:23 +0900 (JST)

bennett> As the headers to this message probably show somewhere, I'm using Gnus
bennett> (successor to GNUS), for both news and mail.  Works a treat.  I've got some

I've heard that a lot of people are starting to use Gnus for both mail and news.
I've used Gnus as a newsreader before and it seemed okay.  

I've never used it as a mailreader.  From reading the
headers of people on the JLUG linux-users list, it appears that mew is more
popular as a mailreader.  I'm not sure why.  I guess Gnus does automatic Base64 
decoding of the subject line, integration with PGP, automatic decoding of MIME 
attachments, and stuff like that?

bennett> I recently compiled Pine for our SparcLinux mail system here, b/c I thought
bennett> we needed an IMAP client.  I'm not sure how much use it will get, but it
bennett> does work, including Jse input.

You did install the patches right?  I'm using PINE 3.96LJ1.1b7 now.  Or, at least
I was before I switched to mew and Emacs20.2.  Without the patches, the screen
will go bakemoji on certain characters.  Also, the patches allow decoding of the
Base64 subject lines.

I'm still interested in newsreader usage.  I'm deciding whether or not
it is worth it to write some documentation on tin, a standalone newsreader.  
Tin was really popular in 1993 when I started to use it and was the main 
newsreader in the JE distribution. However, I sense that it may have fallen 
out of favor.   You know, I was just looking at the ~/.im/Config file that 
mew uses and it appears that I can use it as a newsreader in addition to 
a mailreader.  I guess that people are using the same tool for both 
e-mail and news?


Craig Oda

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