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tlug: Funny Pictures of Overworked Volunteers

welcome back from Golden Week.  Since TLUG is getting larger and the
membership is spreading outside of Tokyo, even to a global scale, I
thought that a set of pictures with names attached would be helpful.

I have set up an Administrative Members home page at

We have a lot of pictures at 

However, these don't match up the name and e-mail with the person.

As the group grows, it is getting harder to keep track of who is
responsible for what.  I hope that the new Administrative Members home
page will help to organize volunteer efforts.

Since every TLUG member is volunteering their time to make the group
better, I've put down just a few people that have come forward and
said that they want to be responsible for a certain critical functions.
By associating their picture with a name and e-mail, I hope that
a stronger feeling of trust and cooperation will be fostered.  

TLUG is still a recreational group for fun and 
titles such as officer may seem stiff or too formal.  However, we may
need some amount of structure and method to handle things like donations 
and interfacing with other groups or companies. 

Anyway, the funny pictures of a few of the more active members might
be good for a few laughs.   

Oh yea, if you have a home page, add it to the



Craig Oda

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