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tlug: Server Install Reschedule

Scott wrote:
> I'm 99% sure that I won't be able to make it to the server thing on 
> Saturday - can we do it on Sunday morning or would next Saturday be 
> better?  Please let me know.... I don't want people to come and have me
> not be there, since I have the key and all...  
> Actually, my wife says that she needs me on Sunday too, now, so...  

Yep, know the feeling : )  Next weekend is a problem for me, since 
we're moving buildings and I have to set up the servers over that 
weekend.  Maybe the next weekend or one of the Golden Week Holidays?

Alberto, Tim, Jonathan, and Rob all said they were going to try to
make it on Saturday as well.  I hope they get this message in time.
I'll try to send personal messages to everyone.


Joe Marchak

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