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tlug: motivating factors, domain, server

the TPJ-JP perl meeting was awesome.  It was a blast.  I learned
a lot about Perl from the magazines that were distributed. 

During the nijikai we were discussing about the goals of TLUG
and how to accomplish them.

I've listed some ideas on gathering volunteers below.  

On a different note, it looks like Joe Marchak is going to do
a drop of his server at Scott Stone's office this week and we're
going to do a base TurboLinux install and hopefully get Bud
to register  Ken Harada and Bud are going to
work on the JPNIC registration for  I'm going to
the kuyakusho soon for my visa registration and I'll pick up
an inkanshomeisho at that time.  We need a nominal "name-only"
vice-president for the group.  Ken Harada volunteered to 
use his inkan in name-only so that we can get the paper
work done.  

  Motivating Factors to Volunteer for TLUG Projects
  C. Oda
  Sun Mar  1

  The motivating factors for volunteer work are examined with the goal
  of increasing participation in TLUG projects.

  1.  Introduction

  The Tokyo Linux Users Group (TLUG) is a non-profit volunteer group
  promotes the the Linux kernel and free software tools.  The group was
  initially formed for mutual technical support in the pre 1.0 Linux
  kernel days.  Since the fall of 1997 TLUG has seen rapid growth and
  the goals and projects the group has undertaken greatly increased in

  In order to attain the expanded goals of TLUG, volunteer work is
  required.  By identifying the motivating factors TLUG will be able to
  focus efforts on ensuring that the necessary rewards for volunteer
  work are available.

  2.  Overview of Motivations

  o  educational value

  o  freedom to experiment with new things not allowed in the workplace

  o  immediate acknowledgement or recognition

  o  spirit of sharing

  o  socialilizing with people with similar goals

  o  support of TLUG goals

  2.1.  Educational Value

  o  meetings with lectures,

  o  technical support and Linux related information on the mailing

  o  access to Linux library,

  o  direct meetings with people with specialized Linux knowledge.

  2.2.  Freedom to Experiment

  With the installation of the TLUG server, members will be able to
  install and test software on a public server.  Many highly qualified
  people feel frustrated that they are not able to experiment more at
  their workplace due to company regulations and are willing to
  volunteer time and knowledge for the opportunity to experiment.

  2.3.  Acknowledgement or Recognition

  Posting an answer to a mailing list results in immediate recognition
  and thanks. The Linux kernel development is similar, where a person's
  patch gets rolled into the kernel.  For the TLUG server, the member
  will be able to install a software and rapidly have their work
  available to the public.  This was discussed in the famous "Bazaar"
  approach to software development article.

  The Perl Journal Project participants are discussing ways to allow
  volunteers to upload their translations or articles to the TLUG web
  site for rapid online publications.

  In my opinion, TLUG needs to minimize the time between volunteer work
  done and recognition received.

  2.4.  Sharing

  This is a self-evident human trait.

  2.5.  Socializing with People with Shared Goals

  Finding people with common goals and working together is a pleasurable
  experience.  Joe Marchak and Alberto Tomita commented on this.  Joe
  Marchak commented on the need for a TLUG constitution so that the
  shared goals could be clearly identified.  Social interaction seems to
  be a pretty important reward for many members and I think TLUG should
  continue to promote opportunities for social interaction.

  2.6.  Support of the Goals of TLUG

  The Linux and free software movements are very worthy causes and it is
  attractive to both  individuals and companies to support these causes.

PGP Public Key

Next TLUG Nomikai: 11 March Wed 1998 Tengu TokyoEkiMae 19:30
Chuo-ku, Kyobashi 1-1-6, EchiZenYa Bld. B1/B2 03-3275-3691
Next TLUG Meeting: 11 April 1998 Saturday, Tokyo Station
Featuring Tague Griffith of Netscape i18n talking on source code
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