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tlug: Meeting Schedule


craig> if we keep to the 2nd Thursday every other month and the 2nd
craig> Saturday every other month, the next Thursday meeting is 
craig> January 8th.  The last meeting was at 19:30.  

It might be good to move the Thursday meeting to the third thursday
from the second, since Jan. 8th is very close to New Years, and 
people might not be back then.  Also, the 2nd Thursday conflicts
with some of the Tokyo PC club meetings.

craig> I was thinking that for the next meeting, it might be
craig> beneficial to meet at 19:00 someplace where there is a
craig> lecture area, listen to a 30 minute talk, allocate 
craig> 15 minutes for cleanup and moving, then eat at someplace
craig> like Tengu at 19:45-20:00. 

If we want to have a few talks, I could arrange to get the large
conference room at HSBC (on floor B1).  Timing might be a bit 
tough though for some people ... how many people can make it by 

Joe Marchak

TLUG Meeting Dec. 13, 12:30 at Tokyo station Yaesu Chuo ticket gate
13:30 Starbuck's coffee.  13:45 HSBC | info:
At least 3 functional Sparc IPC machines will be raffled out
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