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tlug: on a 8 bit encoding

>>>>> "Yuri" == Yuri Anissimov <> writes:

    Yuri> This is a sort of general question: Does anybody know
    Yuri> something on a daemon that can run on Unix or NT box, that
    Yuri> will pipe all mail messages, UUencoding them.

I don't think you want to uuencode them if you can read MIME.  You
either want to use quoted printable for the occasional non-ASCII
character, or base64 for whole docs in EUC-JP.  Doing it with MIME has 
the advantage that any conforming mail reader can handle it (as long
as it can handle the underlying document format), and will do it

As for availability, I suspect that recent versions of sendmail (the
version string of the !@#$% sendmail that hoses my perfectly readable
messages is 8.8.5+2.7Wbeta5/3.3W6) will do the trick for you.  I'm not
absolutely sure, because it's being done on my upstream
smarthost-with-dumb-admins, but I regularly get mail that has been
X-MIME-autoconverted to quoted-printable.

I believe TWICS does this to Craig's mail sometimes, too.



TLUG Meeting Dec. 13, 12:30 at Tokyo station Yaesu Chuo ticket gate
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At least 3 functional Sparc IPC machines will be raffled out
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