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tlug: forwarded message from Craig Oda

>>>>> "me" == Stephen J Turnbull <> writes:

    me> I'm curious whether VM will do this right, so I'm attaching
    me> Craig's message as MIME.

And look what I noticed when I checked: these are both incoming
headers on Craig's original message:

    me> X-MIME-Autoconverted: from QUOTED-PRINTABLE to 8bit
    me>                       by id QAA13144

This seems to be the wrong thing to do on general principles.

    me> X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable
    me>                       by id QAA18307

The MIME autoconversion two-step.  John Travolta has nothing to worry
about.  Sigh---if `shako' is going to advertise it handles 8 bits, why
autoconvert?  (Yes, it actually makes sense if you think about it, but 
it's really paternalistic.)

Next TLUG meeting is Saturday Dec. 13, 1997  (possibly Nov. 13?)
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