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AW: tlug: Locale problem

tlug note from =?iso-8859-1?Q?Thomas_B=E4tzler?= <>

[package problems]
>Well, in cases such as mine, it was not RedHat, but folks who had
>made rpm's on their own and sent them in to the ftp site. Perhaps
>the RH people are not screening these. I don't know. I've noticed
>recently that there have been increasing oddities (such as failing
>to install due to lack of "/bin/sh", which obviously exists). Is
>Debian better at checking for this, or are the debian users who
>create .deb packages doing better?

Interesting question - I haven't seen too many "local" packages
yet - most people who take the trouble to roll their own .debs
end up adding them to the distribution anyways, so they get
thoroughly checked till they end up in stable.

The only stuff that I more or less regularly install that isn't in
the packages tree (yet) are the japanese
packages - and those that I can get to work seem to work
quite fine.

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