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Re: tlug: Sub-notebooks for Linux?

tlug note from "John D'Elia" <>
On Mon, 12 May 1997, Dennis McMurchy wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------------
> tlug note from Dennis McMurchy <>
> --------------------------------------------------------
>   Toshiba Libretto 50 with 75mhz Pentium, 16MegRam 810Meghd
> is 190,000 in the flyer I'm looking at.  This has a 6.1" screen !??!
>   ThinkPad 535 with 133mhz Pentium, 24MegRam 1Gbhdsk, 10.4"screen
> is 290,000
>   Somehow, these don't seem like great prices, but this is Fukuoka.
>   Personally, I wouldn't buy a machine that couldn't do 1024x768
> displays.  Otherwise you can't even really use the X  Window System.
> Who wants character-based Unix, even with bash?  
>   I think the Sharp Mobius can support 1024x768.  One of those with
> the same basic specs as the ThinkPad is 330,000 in the same flyer.
>   Hope this helps,

Actually, I goofed.  I was looking at a different Thinkpad, the 350, I
think.  A little older than the 365, but about the same size.  This one
sports an AMD 5k86 at 100mhz.

Size is the most important feature I'm looking for.  The Libreto is nice,
except for X, I suppose.  I can live with virtual consoles.  I really want
something to take while travelling, and I like to travel REALLY light.
PPP, Japanese E-mail and maybe netscape, and I'm happy.

The Libreto seems nice, but after adding on needed items like a floppy and
port replicator, it gets quite expensive here in the states.  (You can buy
them from a US branch of T-Zone, a big store in Akihabara..)

The Thinkpad 35x series looks nice, too.  It's not as small as a Libreto,
but its cheaper.  :-)  

Now if you could only run Linux on one of those HP palmtops....

Thanks for the info so far!


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