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tlug: leave - hacked

tlug note from "Jim Schweizer" <>
Hi all,

Okay, I hacked the Makefile and it works. If you need a timed 
departure you'll need to change the Makefile to:

CC= cc

all:  leave

.c leave.c Makefile

and it compiles and runs fine. Not very elegant but it works for me.
It'll give you a five minute warning, then warn you repeatedly after 
you've gone over 4 minutes. I'm waiting to see if it terminates after 
10 min. like it's supposed to.

Yep, it terminated after 10 min. with:

That was the last time I'll tell you. Bye. 

Great, added it to /usr/bin/    Maybe it'll come in handy someday.


Jim S.

Jim Schweizer                           JPS Solutions
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