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I can't access the thing to save my life
(, it just continously times 
out after 5-10 K.  Ah well.  Traceroute says that life gets really
really ugly as soon as I hit the WIDE gateway in Tokyo:

11 (  379 ms  45 ms  78 ms
12 (  201 ms *  256 ms
13  gsl-tokyo-2-Serial2/ (  253 ms  262 ms  59 ms
14 (  60 ms  77 ms  108 ms
15  * * (  348 ms

I also noticed that the icons don't exist (a direct request to for "/icons/text.gif" verifies that).

"Life in the fast lane // Guranteed to blow your mind!"


                            Stephen J. Turnbull
Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences                    Yaseppochi-Gumi
University of Tsukuba            
Tel: +81 (298) 53-5091;  Fax: 55-3849    
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