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Re: Where there's SPARC there is fire

   Well done on aquiring the ELC, Jim. A feature which makes that
   particular system attractive to me is that there's no fan or blower.
   It has got to be one of the quietest desktop systems around.

% Getting it to run Linux proved embarrassingly easy.  I got the
% binary of the 2.0.14 kernel and the "easy-nfs-root*.tar.gz" file.

   Has anyone had any success using the boot floppy files from "vger"
   or "redhat"? I've tried the "v0" and "v2" versions on a couple of
   sun4c architecture machines, but never got much further than the
   "SILO" printed during the initial boot. I always end up with a
   "Filesystem not found" message and get bounced back to the SILO
   "boot:" prompt. Is there some secret magic involved in a 4c boot?

% P.S.  I don't have a Sun mouse.  Are there good sources for used
% Sun stuff in Akihabara?  (Amulet used to have interesting stuff,
% but seems to have really shrunk.)

   I used to have a couple floating round at home, but I'm not sure
   whether I have any pads. Let me look around tonight and I'll get
   back to you.

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