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Re: Buslogic

>>>>> "Joe Marchak" <> writes

   Has anyone tried using the 946C controller?  I get a swapping
   error during bootup. (I recompiled the kernel to include 
   Buslogic). Using it in DOS/WIN is no problem.

First, are you sure it's not some other kind of configuration problem?
It would be helpful if you would give us the exact error with a few
lines of context (you can get it from 'messages' or 'syslog' depending
on the kernel revision; depending on your distribution you may find
those files in /var/adm or /var/log, rarely in /usr/adm or /usr/log).

If it is the hardware, I have an AMI that emulates the BusLogic
interface, and have had a number of problems with it.  It seems that
the BusLogics have internal features that really improve efficiency,
and drivers are often written to take advantage of that.  But this
means that different drivers may not support the same hardware
interfaces in the same way.

I would suggest just trying a number of different revisions of the
driver.  You should eventually hit on one that works.  I know that it
is actively being worked on because it got patched when I last
upgraded a kernel ;-)  The developer seems to be a nice helpful guy,
so you could email him.  The address is in the source.

AFAIK there is no problem in grabbing the latest revision of the
driver from a recent kernel and installing it in a old kernel, if you
want to avoid the 1.3.x series.  I haven't tried this, however.

                            Stephen J. Turnbull
Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences                    Yaseppochi-Gumi
University of Tsukuba            
Tennodai 1-1-1, Tsukuba, 305 JAPAN       

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