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system questions

> Howdy, Ted! I have not bought a new computer yet. Here are some questions 
> I'd like ask.

> Indeed a P-90 is better than a P-75, but since my buget is limited, I think 
> getting a P-75 is a good choice.

OK, you're using this for Linux, right?  Go to comp.benchmarks and sift 
through some archives.  A P90 is significantly faster than a P-75, where 
a P100 is very close to a P90.  How limited is your budget?  Have you 
priced out the differences between a P75 and P90?

> Well, IDE/EIDE are much cheaper than SCSI. Plus, as you and I know that 
> the computer technologies change extremely quickly. Perhaps by the time, 
> I need a new machine (686??), SCSI might be a lot cheaper. I don't mind 
> waitig if the performance differece between SCSI and IDE/EID is a second 
> or two.

SCSI will not be a lot cheaper than it is now.  It is more expensive than 
IDE/EIDE, because it performs much faster.  If you don't mind slow i/o 
performance with multi-tasking OS's such as Linux, then IDE is fine.

> > Soundblaster 16 Value is a good deal, and very compatible sound board.
> If you don't mind could you name some alternative manufactures?

Adlib, Gravis, Turtle Beach, Logitech, Aztech, plus about 100 clone 
makers.  Go check out T-Zone Minami, or Fry's and NCA if you are in Calif.

> > Intel Triton motherboards come with Flash memory, if you require 
> > upgradability, review the flash upgrade page on Intels web site.  It can 
> > be very cryptic if you get a no-name Triton Pentium mb and need to 
> > upgrade the BIOS.         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Are you saying that if I get a non-name Triton Pentium motherboard, and 
> upgrade some flash memory, I'm going to have some problems? Could you 
> explain little more because I don't fully understand it?

Let me clarify.  Triton chipset Pentium mb's are made by Intel.  Intel 
OEM's them for dozens of companies.  Intel organizes their flash updates 
by the OEM vendor.

We have some Triton chipsets that were OEM'd for company xxx and we can 
easily find the file to upgrade the BIOS via Flash.  We have other Triton 
chipsets that we have to use trial and error.  Did you browse the intel 
flash download directories??

How much do you have to spend?  What are your priorities with computing?  
Speed, or sexy looking monitor?


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