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Re: [tlug] Introduction to (Tech) Worker Cooperatives, 09:00AM on Sunday, July 12th JST

On Sat, Jul 18, 2020 at 06:53:45AM +0900, Yasuaki Kudo wrote:
> We can become the ideal "atomic worker" not having anything to do
> with the society as dreamed up by Capitalists, because we do that
> in the worker coop world, not in the Capitalist lala-land 😄

There seem to be enough people who think that the current system
which tries to "restrict capitalism" to be a bit more society- and
environment friendly will never work out, and would try to do
other approaches.
To bad that founding new countries to live in and do that is hard.

> Some links:
> [..]

Premium cola from Germany was also not yet called out.
Started by a guy, who found that his beloved cola is no longer avai-
lable.  Now this is a collective, deciding together, and having the
costs, earnings and so on in the company public to the last cent.


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