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Re: [tlug] July 2020 meeting

On 2020-07-07 13:14 +0900 (Tue), Benjamin Kowarsch wrote:

> The primary risk of holding a TLUG meeting lies not with the meeting itself
> but with the nomikai afterwards.

In other words, the most important and best part of it. :-)

> To manage that risk, attendees could be told to bring their own food and
> drinks (or a short trip to a convenience store could be scheduled) and
> then have a picnic in a nearby park where social distancing can be
> observed.

That totally works for me, and would probably be a lot cheaper than going
to a restaurant or bar. If anybody wants to do something along these lines,
I'm in.

Curt J. Sampson      <>      +81 90 7737 2974

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