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Re: [tlug] Getting Japanese input working

On Thu, Sep 12, 2019 at 09:12:25PM +0900, Brian Chandler wrote:
> I am trying to set up a new computer: I have xubuntu installed, and the
> first Task is to get Japanese input working. I have installed Ibus: it's
> there, a bizarre "icone" consisting of two-letter language codes in the
> darkest possible blue on a black background. If I click it, it changes from
> EN to RU to JA. (Oh yes, I need Cyrillic as well) But it has no effect on
> keyboard input at all.
I have found (personal experience only) that in the last few years, ibus
became a pain. I'd recommend fcitx-mozc (if they have mozc, I think they

I haven't tried on an Ubuntu version since 2017, and then it was lubuntu,
but the procedure may be similay. I have a page on installing fcitz-mozc on
Lubuntu, at

It may work for xubuntu.  Again my personal experience with ibus has been
bad for a couple of years now. In the FreeBSD section,I think I mention how
I used a little script toget ibus to work (a script that someone else
wrote), but the point is that it had gotten bad, keyboard, shortcuts
didn't work, and I needed a script to switch between Japanese and English

> I found no help on the web. Can anyone here help? Are there any other
> suggestions of Better Ways of Doing It, particularly for more than two
> character sets? (I have it working on another machine, and the problem is
> that pression ctrl-space always switches to Another character set, chosen by
> an algorithm too complicated to internalise, so a lot of time is wasted.
> Thanks in advance.
> (I am subscribed to this list from, which has become a
> read-only account.)
> Brian Chandler
> -- 
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Scott Robbins
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