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[tlug] Stymied by emacs character display

Hi Tluggers,
I'm generating a report from an rmarkdown document that takes in some
text tables, processes them, makes some tables and graphs, and produces
the report. The problem is that the tables I'm inputting contain text
that was originally copied and pasted from some Microsoft Word
documents, and contains some abnormal characters. (I'm editing and
rendering the rmarkdown doc in emacs.)

When I try to generate the report I get error messages like this:
! Package inputenc Error: Unicode char \u8:\200€ not set up for use
with LaTeX.

If I knew what the Unicode character is indicated by \u8:\200 I can
write a little gsub() in R to filter it out, but, despite having used
emacs for more than 25 years, I can't tell what this character this
sequence indicates. 

Anyone know?
Stuart Luppescu
Chief Psychometrician (ret.)
UChicago Consortium on School Research

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