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Re: [tlug] Applied Linux Prime Time...

Concerns about political and social implications aside, if these things
were to become a common sight in the cities, hackerspaces all over the
world would run pretty hot exploring various ways to hijack the drones,
which are --- so much I have to give --- actually cool products of
engineering.  And if these drones ran Linux, we could get a couple of
patches to harden the kernel out of it ...

IMHO hijacking a few in order to audit them is plain necessary, because
who knows what data these robots are going to collect when in service?


On Tue, Dec 03, 2013 at 10:57:07AM -0200, wrote:
> Posted about drones the other day and this becoming a prime time 
> applied Linux like automated cars... There you have it:
> " Amazon CEO Bezos unveils plan to use #drones for more timely, 
> cost-efficient and environmentally-friendly delivery. "
> Nothing new here but as you can see, people are starting to flex their 
> muscles in that direction... "FedEx" CEO once said that he's poised to 
> transform his business and lay off the largest airplane fleet in the 
> world.
> ... Poor pilots...
> Regards,
> -- 
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