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Re: [tlug] Dust busters?

Dear Darren,

Please allow me to leave this one last remark.

No system can afford the frequent file system crashes that you're
reporting here. Your data is more valuable than your stock hardware.

We can either address this issue permanently using something that you
already paid for (your extended warranty) or risk creating further
problems experimenting with work arounds.

The kind of solution DELL will propose you depends on your service
level. Have you checked with them your options? Let them help you.

Would have sent mine for repair on the second unexpected crash.


On 05/22/2013 08:50 PM, Darren Cook wrote:
> Anyway, at this point I smiled smugly, as I paid extra for the 4 year
> guarantee, thereby beating the system! But this is still my main
> machine; I don't really want to send it away for repairs until I've
> bought its replacement. I'd like to limp along for six more months if I
> could. So, maybe the system beat me after all.

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