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Re: [tlug] Alternatives to sed + awk

> > I am looking for a tool that replaces PHP which is easy to use and
> > and has easy to remember syntax.
> >
> > Any recommendations other than Ruby and Python?
> Adding a bit to what Josh said about Perl, if I am not mistaken, I
> think PHP is primarily used for web development?

I'm not sure Perl's syntax is all that easy to remember, but it's well
worth learning for all sorts of very powerful textual manipulation.

 P - e - r - l. Spell it with me :-)

Ruby, incidentally, is *entirely* inappropriate for this use case, and
I'm skeptical about both PHP and Python as well.

> If you are looking for something on the command-line but also
> something for the web, then there is Catalyst, which was mentioned
> earlier in this thread.  Also, Mason is something I use (but if I had
> known about Catalyst, I'd probably would have started off with
> Catalyst + Mason). Both are modules / frameworks written in Perl.

To a guy who only wanted a replacement for sed and awk, it's a bit of a
leap to recommend he switch his web development to Catalyst :-) I'm a
Perl fanboi and an experienced developer, and *I'm* intimidated by
Catalyst. I might be less so if my work allowed me the opportunity to
really learn it by doing a project, something that will never happen at
this job, sadly...


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